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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Funny Faces & Tic Tac Tony
Monday, December 29, 2008
Home-One Year
We were also interviewed by a local news channel on our arrival. It felt a emotional and couldn't say too much. David had to do the talking (that was fine with me).
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Our week
Lindy had her little play vacuum out the other day. She was was running it around the table. Eventually getting upset that the crumbs on the floor just would not suck up in the vacuum! I would get the real one out for her to use but she would only run to get on the couch! I don't think she's really afraid of the vac, just thinks it's a game to play.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Lindy's Forever Family Day-One Year
One year ago today we began our day in Beijing China, flying south to Hefei City. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon we boarded a van to go to the civil affairs office there in the city. It was a 15 minute ride through the worst traffic I have ever seen (I though Beijing was bad). Finally we arrived and were taken to a room to wait. Within a few minutes they brought in this big ball of a child! All we could see was her beat red face (not doubt from being to warm) that wore a scared expression. Her nanny spoke to her, pointing to me and saying "momma". Lindy began to whimper. I decided to just taker her and that's when the wailing began with screams of "no" (only in Chinese). I hand her back to nanny, Lindy calms down some, nanny talking to Lindy saying "momma". With a forces voice little Lindy repeats "momma" and I melt right there. David's turn, same results, only she says "baba" (that daddy in Chinese). We are trying not to cry. And poor Molly is kinda lost in the shuffle. Finally she is standing in a chair next to us with her Ling doll trying to comfort Lindy. (isn't that the sweetest) We sign a few papers and are led back to the van. And that is the beginning of our family of four.
Be bedtime she was more relaxed (as we were) but still pretty frightened. She rested quietly all night and woke up good the next morning. She was very soft spoken and loved to eat. You could tell she like her cloths and shoes we had for her and enjoyed toys.
I find it hard to believe it has been a year already. I find it hard to remember life without her in it. She has grown physically and mentally this year. She is NOT soft spoken anymore! A very fun loving kid. She is a perfect fit to our family. Many families that adopt say this, "couldn't be a better fit". Well I believe it is God work, His plan. For only God could know exactly what we needed and what Lindy needed as well. We have Him to thank, and believe me I always will!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Bucket Heads
Put-Put's Retirement
She's been a good one. We bought this car in 1992, it was ten years old and had 100,000 mile on it. We drove it to Gatlinburg on our honeymoon in 1992. I forget how many miles we drove then, but I remember we only spent $42 on gas. We drove all through the mountains and then up to Cincinnati to a ball game. ALOT OF DRIVING!
Well she had been showing her age now for a few years. (ok a lot of years) The girls lovingly named her "put-put car". They liked riding along with their daddy with the breeze blowing in (no air conditioner). Anyway, David knew the car was driving "strange" and when he checked it out he discovered the back wheel is about to fall off. That's right, almost rusted through! I wouldn't know why, every time you shut the door rust would fall off of it. :)
The insurance was due today, but we decided to retire "put-put". Those of you who know my husband, well then you know how hard this is for him to do. (Dave, get rid of anything? come on... check out the coat) You would think we were talking about his arm! (just kidding)... well maybe not! He gets that attached! I think he was thinking the girls could take it when they learn to drive! (ain't he funny) The sad thing is... the car still runs pretty good. But as we say... "she's tired".
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Supper With Santa
Santa's little house is right across the street. As we were leaving the bank he was arriving to greet little ones there. So away we went to see him. The girls sat on his lap and told him they wanted "roses for my mommy" for Christmas. Now, ain't that the sweetest thing!! Don't I have the best kids ever!
The girls were so excited because tonight was Supper With Santa at school. They had the gym all fixed up with craft areas and cookie decorating. We saw a line starting for Santa, so we got in it. There were about 10 people before us. Santa finally made it to his chair. The next thing I knew Molly took off running.... to the front of the line .... right on his lap! And there was no getting her off!! So they just had Lindy cut to the front too! (Sorry no photo, it was blurry) I apologized to those in line as we left, but they were all laughing. I guess it's safe to say that Molly is rather fond of Santa this year. Santa had a helper this year, Elf Mary. (Miss Mary is the class helper) She looked so cute in her outfit and she loves doing it too.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
2008 Christmas Ornaments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Chistmas 2008
A few weeks ago we were going to be at the mall, so I thought it would be a good time to have their photo made with Santa. We got there when he was out to lunch, so we waited around until he came back. Lindy & Molly were having fun looking at all the decorations. Lindy had no clue who Santa was, but she said she would sit on his lap. (we'll see) Well, I could hear him coming down the mall, he was jingling his bells like mad. Of course, I was saying "oh here he comes!" trying to make it fun. I looked down to find Lindy tearing up and whimpering about the bells and all. "Oh no", I thought. She watched a few other boys take a turn on his lap before it was her turn. Well I could tell she was not up for it. But remember, she will do anything Molly does. So she let me sit her up there on his lap, but she looked kinda frightened. (no tears though) She did really well. There weren't many in line, so he talked to them some. When he asked what they wanted for Christmas, Molly said "candy" so of course that's what Lindy said too. (Anything to get off his lap!!) He gave them reindeer hats and stickers, right up Molly's alley for sure. While I was getting the photo, Lindy said to my Mom, "I no like Santa!" I think the photo turned out really well.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas Cookies
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving Happenings
We shared our Thanksgiving meal with David's side of the family. It was pot luck style and very good. We all gathered at his Mom's house (20 in all). The weather was really nice and the kids spent a little time outside. That evening we visited our friend Mandy. (David's sister and her family are staying with her for the weekend) She fed us lasagna and, boy, it was good. Us girls played some cards. The kids were running around playing good when Faith came into the kitchen and announced "these spanish girls are driving me crazy". We all laughed, apparently she has friends in her kindergarten class that are of spanish decent. We headed home around 9PM, the girls were tuckered out. We had a extra kid with us. Cousin Faith (age 5) came to spend the night. They played some then it was bedtime. The night went well. They love playing together.
I started Friday out with early shopping. Yes, I left all three girls with David. But I was home by 10:00 or so. I got some good deals (yeah). The girls played well until Ellen came to get Faith after lunch.
We have been planning for a couple of weeks to go to the circus. My parents bought us the tickets and decided to go to the 2PM show on Saturday. The kids were so excited. Molly has been a few times but this was Lindy's first time. When the elephants came out Molly said to me "I smell elephant poop" (they did stink) We had a good time. I asked Lindy what her favorite thing was, her answer was "too much stuff!"
Sunday we headed to Church then saw Ellen off after lunch. Then we spent the rest of the day relaxing.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Chair
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Lindy Ann

Molly Nichol

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Adoption Journal
adoption stories: Lindy Ann