Saturday, January 31, 2009
Fun With Mirrors
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thankful Thursday
2. I am thankful for great toys that challenge my children to learn new things.
3. I am thankful for Dr Lopez, our pediatrician, who provides good care for our girls.
4. I am thankful for my dear husband, who works hard (and sometimes long hours) to provide for us. We love you Daddy!
5. Molly says she is thankful for her kitty cat she got for her birthday.
Ice & Snow Days
Friday, January 23, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday Molly
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inaugural Day 2009
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Inaugural Day 2009
Today we witnessed a historic time in American history. The inauguration of the 44th President of the United States, Mr. Barack Obama. Our nations first African American President ever. I told the girls today that they will one day read about this time in the History books. (they didn't care, they wanted to watch cartoons!)
I am not suppose to judge others but I have NEVER understood those who are racist in any way. I have always been proud of my belief that we are ALL red on the inside!! And now with a "mixed" family I REALLY frown when I hear unkind remarks. I am very sensitive to the subject now and will defend my children and any one else for that matter. I hope the events of today will pave a better road for our kids in the future. For we are all created as equals, whether they are black or white, African or Asian, or man or woman. I believe this is the way God would like for us to live our lives....... nation, under God, indivisible,with liberty and justice for all.
Lindy's Birthday
Monday, January 19, 2009
"Me Too. Me Too!"
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Birthday Bash
Yesterday the girls had their big birthday bash. They were very excited all morning and drove me bonkers with questions.... "is it time for the party yet?".... "is Hallie coming to our party?".... "who is coming to our party? When they got through a series of questions, they'd start over with them again. "is it time yet?" Bless their hearts, they couldn't wait. While they were in the tub, I decorated the table with their party supplies. They loved the Hello Kitty cakes and balloons. Soon everyone was here, even Hallie. But the girls were so overwhelmed with all the people here they would hardly play. There was 17 people here and our house was pretty full! So let the party begin!!!
Papaw & Mamaw saved the best for last! A new "see-saw"! They really liked this. (so does momma) It even twirls round and round. Thanks Mamaw & Papaw!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Thankful Thursday
this daily. I cheries them.
4. On this bitter cold morning (it was 0* today) I am very thankful for hot water! I cannot
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Pray For Linn
Monday, January 12, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Giggling Girl
It's a COLD rainy Saturday here in our neck of the woods. I am cooped up with two little girls who are pretty restless. We are playing and watching cartoons. Lindy has watched Rudolf once already! I'm afraid we are going to have to watch Christmas videos all year long. We are doing alot of joking, laughing and snuggling today. It is really cold so the blankets are out, piled on the floor. I'm thinking we will make a tent/fort later. That should make them happy for a while.
It is hard to believe that January is already a third over. Time is racing by. Sometimes I wish I could freeze the moments while these girls are little. My DH & I were discussing the need (or not) of me returning to a part time job sooner than we thought. We need a little more income, but the girls need me as well. So, for now, we are going to buckle down even more and try it longer. Like my DH said, "you can't get this time with them back". Oh, how true it is. So I am trusting that God will lead us down the right path ....... FAITH! (read yesterday's post)
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Yesterday the girls and I met a group of friends in Evansville. It's a bunch (whoever can make it that day) of mom's with adopted kids. We usually meet at a kid friendly place, it's called "playgroup". Yesterday, right after school, we met them at Pizza Hut. They have a huge indoor play land. The kids had a ball, I forced them to go after being there 2-1/2 hours. We also went to the party store. The girls got to pick out party "stuff" for their upcoming birthday party. They both choose Hello Kitty. They can't wait until then. It's a cake & ice cream party next Saturday with family here at home. Molly is x'ing off the days! I guess that means I should be cleaning the house. But with TWO soon to be four year olds it's impossible for it to stay clean! Oh well *sigh*!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Close To My Heart
One Hundred Good Wishes Quilt
Back in June I started collecting fabric squared from friends and family to complete Molly & Lindy a quilt. It is called a 100 Good Wishes Quilt. Below I have explained it in more detail. I am going to continue collecting fabric until the end of January. I'm anxious to get them started. I want to invite anyone who is reading to join in. If you have questions or need our mailing address just click on the "email me" at on the side bar.

For Molly & Lindy
Dear Friends & Family.
I have started a new project and need your help! I want to make Molly & Lindy each a “100 Good Wishes Quilt”. The idea came from a tradition they have in China. And I am always trying to find ways to bring Chinese customs into our family. So I’ll explain….
ABOUT THE QUILT--To welcome and celebrate a new baby, there is a tradition in the northern part of China to make a Bai Jia Bei, or 100 Good Wishes Quilt. It is a custom to invite friends and family to contribute a patch of cloth and a wish for the child. The quilt contains the luck, energy, and good wishes from all of the people who contribute. Along with the fabric, a matching swatch is attached to a card with a blessing, wish, poem, or thought for the child. (don’t forget to sign you name) These are collected into a memory book. The fabric pieces are then stitched together to form a quilt that the child can pass down from generation to generation.
We would be honored if you would take the time to send TWO 8 x 8 inch squares of 100% cotton fabric of your choice. Along with them, attach a small swatch of the fabric to a card with your thoughts, prayer, blessing or wish. One for Molly and one for Lindy. I will need two squares for I am making each one their own quilt. The squares can be different or the same, doesn't matter. But they will each need a wish for their own memory book.
My mom said that the idea sounds much like what Americans call a Friendship quilt. So, my goal is to collect at least 100 “wishes” for each daughter.
For those who want to contribute but don’t have fabric on hand, may I make a few suggestions…. Maybe you have a blouse your not wearing or hankie. Perhaps a bandanna or pillowcase. Some Wal-Mart stores have a fabric section. You can find small cuts of fabric rolled up, ready to buy.
I hope you can help us with our project. If you have any questions, please call or email. Thank you in advance.
David, Sherry,
Molly & Lindy