Mesa Lake, a private lake, is about 10 miles from our house. The girls were invited to a swim party for Adam's birthday. Adam's parents are good friends of ours.
That morning when I told Molly & Lindy they were going to a party and getting to swim in a lake they were super excited. Molly asked if they could take their rings. When I said yes, they were outside getting them ready. Suddenly Lindy appeared at the door with this sorta wide eyes look. "What is it Lindy" I asked. Her question was, "is there alligators in that lake?" I smiled and told her no, so away she ran telling Molly there weren't alligators in that lake!

When we got there the girls were a little afraid of getting in.

But it didn't take too long. Especially when the other kids started jumping in.

The water right by they boat dock was about 2.5 feet deep. It was murky and kinds grassy and rocky on the bottom.

They were enjoying themselves.

It was a great day for a party. There were lots of boats out on the water and the weather was perfect. It's so pretty out there.

Then it was time for games.

Pinata time!

The kids love pinatas!

If you can hear... they are screaming "CANDY"

Adam, the
birthday boy.
His favorite game/movie right now is "Up".
Happy Birthday Adam!