Tuesday August 17 was meet the teacher day.
I was sad because I could not go with them because I started a new job today (more in that later).
So daddy took them. They were excited to meet
Mrs. Smith and see their school.

They also had to take their school supplies.

So, with their backpacks full and a sack full of goodies, they were off.

Daddy did take some pictures....

but not a one of Mrs. Smith.

They told me they liked their classroom.
August 19, 2010
The first day of Kindergarten!!
I had been talking about a new routine for our mornings for a few days.
The girls were quick to go to bed the night before, a good sign that our morning would be more pleasant.
Sure enough they woke before the alarm and Lindy greeted me eagerly with "how about our routine mommy".
So, first we have breakfast.
Most of the time it will be cereal.Don't forget the vitamin!
Then they brush their pearly whites. Wash faces then get dressed and fix hair.
Then if there is time left, then they can turn on the TV.
But this morning we sat on the couch and read the book from Mrs. Smith.The Kissing hand is a great little story about a raccoon going to kindergarten for the first time.
Time for pictures.They look so big!!
They are going to South School. The hallwaysare all painted with cartoons. They love them.
We made our way to the gym.
Squeezed in with all the other kindergarten students and waited for the principle to speak.
Then all the students went to their classrooms.Lindy & Molly found their desks.
Here is where we left them that first day.
I think there is 19 kids in their class.
There were no tears by the way from kids or mommy.
Second day of school.
The girls could not wait to get home.
There was something in the backpacks....
"You'll see mommy"
They made raccoon masks after reading the Kissing Hand book.With only two days in they are doing well.
The only complaint is that it is hot.
The classroom is air conditioned, but nowhere else.
And they liked lunch better today than yesterday.
Of course they'd like to take their lunch everyday, but I really think they will eat pretty good at school. So we'll just play it by ear.
So, look out South School, the Rafferty girls have arrived!!