Man, what a busy December we had. With all the holiday prep there is to do and two 5 year olds, and putting in a few extra hours at work, it went by like a blur.
Ellen & Mike stayed with us. Molly & Lindy were so excited to have them here.
Mike & John were hunting a lot. We had Christmas with the Rafferty's on the 23rd. Kate & Josh hosted us all and we had some good grub! We went to Mass on Christmas Eve. That evening we had a blizzard. Then everyone was up pretty early on Christmas day. Everyone must have been on the nice list because Santa left some pretty good gifts. Molly was so worried about getting "colt" (aka coal) from Santa. Then we headed to my parents for Christmas day. We opened gifts, fixed a yummy lunch and took some family pictures (coming in the next post). Before I knew it it was time to head back to Mt. Carmel to see Johnny & Pam before they had to leave town. Shew... I'm tired just remembering it.
We had a wonderful Christmas.
Hope your was good too!

Christmas morning

Little Miss Hadlie Mae

Lindy is making sure Clare is doing it right!

Cutie Pie Clare Bear

I remember when these girls were the new babies!
Ashley & Tricia

Chris, Dee, Clare & Marla