Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Our Spring break is passing fast already. Today the girls and I went to my parents house for a visit. The girls always have such fun at Mamaw's and Papaws house. The weather today was rainy so we had to stay indoors. Mamaw always has plenty to do. She had gotten them each a stuff a bear kit for Christmas. We thought today would be a good day to tackle the project. They couldn't wait!

Mom & I sewed the bears together and then Molly & Lindy began to stuff them.

They had a good time doing this.

Of course we had to help them some.

And we had to play too! Here's Molly pretending to have shampoo in her hair.

And Lindy is Santa Claus. "Ho Ho Ho"

Showing off their stuffed masterpieces!

The finished results!
The even came with birth certificates. Molly named hers "Pinkie Dinky Dew" and Lindy named hers "Hayley Ann".
Thank you for a fun day Mamaw!! We LOVE our bears. Who needs to go to Build A Bear when you can just go to Mamaw's house!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

An Embarrassing Moment

Okay, we all have those days. When you can't believe it yourself. Will I've had one of those recently! So here's my story....

We all have our favorite pair of jeans. Well, mine aren't that old yet, at least I didn't think so. (can you tell where this is going)

The girls and I went to the mall the other day to meet friends for playgroup. The day went well. I had Spring pictures made of the girls at Penny's, ate lunch in the food court with friends and then met others at the play area. We spent a few hours there and then headed home. For dinner we went to a pizza place in town.

This is what I found when I took my jeans off that night! Oh My Gosh!! How long has that been there??? I was mortified to say the least. And it's not a tiny hole, it's huge! My jeans aren't that old are they? Maybe it's weak denim? (yeah that's it) So, I must have walked around the mall all day with this hole in my pants. The first thing I thought was "oh well, I don't know anyone at the mall".... but wait a minute I met a bunch of friends remember! Did they notice? Why didn't anyone say anything? But, would I have if it has been them? I don't know! I'm still saying OMG!!! And to add to the fire I was sporting bright RED undies that day. Hey!! Atleast I had them on! I am really hoping that my shirt hide the hole, but probably not.

Oh well, it's over and done now. Can't take it back. Hope everyone enjoyed the free undie show at the mall. Now I am mourning my favorite jeans. I could sew them up, but I'm afraid the next rip would be worse!!

Goodbye jeans, I'll miss you.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Petting Zoo

On the last day of school before Spring break the high school sponsored a petting zoo for the little kids. So after I picked them up from school I took the girls there. I thought it would be a rinky dink thing but I was surprised. There were several animal there and lots of kids. Molly & Lindy were excited to go.

First stop was this pig. Of course Lindy wouldn't even stand by the cage! Molly touched the pig!

Once we got into the building Lindy decided my leg was her friend. It was pretty loud and there was dogs, big dogs, everywhere. She does not like dogs.

The only things she would pet was this rabbit and a cat. Oh, and I convinced her to touch a small chicken too.

Here is this little chicken. Molly said it was soft. All Lindy was worried about was it's wings.

This goat was Molly's favorite animal. She spent a lot of time tyring to get it to eat some hay. It loved being scratched on its head. It was very tame.

Check out the baby duck. Molly was a brave girl and pet nearly every animal today, even a big Labrador dog. Lindy, on the other hand, was okay just standing back and watching.

There was even a tom turkey strutting around. Molly asked to pet it, so the girls picked him up. Lindy did not like the "big chicken" one bit!!

Poor thing!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Psalm 37:5

Commit to the Lord your way;

trust in him,

and he will act.

I am thankful for curious children who love to learn.

I am thankful for wonderful springtime smells. Like this tulip tree in the neighbors yard.

I am thankful for the beautiful colors that God creates in the spring.

I am very thankful that we can fly the flag in America. And for the troops fighting the war so we can live safely in America. May God protect each any every soldier and bring them home soon.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Company, Cakes & Kids

This picture was taken yesterday evening when we went for a bike ride/walk. The girls are getting very good at riding their bikes and are getting more confidant too. Soon after I took this picture Lindy was pedaling like mad and (picture it) the front wheels starts to wobble the back wheel jumps from side to side and bam! Looked pretty wild, but luckily she landed in the grass. She thought about crying, but didn't. She got right back on and was more worried about Molly getting ahead of her.
We walked/rode all over the neighborhood. It was a good evening to be out. When we got back home we played in the back yard some. They really like the trampoline.

Today has been a busy one. I knew my family were planning to come tonight. My sister & BIL had loaded the swing part of the jungle gym and wanted to bring it over. So I had to get in some groceries and plan supper. My parents came too. I made pizza.

This afternoon I got in a little sewing on a quilt I have been working on. The kids were all over me so I put it away and got out their quilt squares. Now that had their interest. They got to pick out the squares of fabric as I sewed them together. Molly cannot wait until it's finished. I don't think she realizes how long it will actually take.

Anyway after our company left, I started on the baking for my weekend cake orders. I have so many this weekend that I have to bake ahead and freeze them. Tomorrow I plan to make a few gallons of icing to put in the frig and bake some more. Oh, and I am taking the kids to a petting zoo they are having at the high school after school tomorrow. Should be lots of fun!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Adopting a child won't
change the world,
But for that child,
the world will change.

I love the above saying. And I have to add that our lives also changed. So much for the better. These girls have brought such joy to our lives in ways that I cannot fully explain. We are so fortunate that our children are loved by so many people. And these girls show their love also in return. They have come from places that do not show loving expressions like our culture does. It brings me so much pleasure to get hugs and kisses from my little ones.

There are millions of children all over the world who are waiting for their world to change. It is my prayer that all orphans find homes. If Dave & I were younger or financially set.......
There is no telling how many children we would have right now. But there's one thing for sure, we have two of the best in the world.

Can YOU make a difference, change a child's world?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Proverbs 21:3
To do what is right and just is more
acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.
It seems Thankful Thursday rolls around quickly every week. Life with two 4 year olds is rather hectic at times. We get into our daily routines of living and time passes at the blink of our eye. Dave & I make sacrifices to do what is right by our children. We are fortunate that I am able to be a stay at home mom while Molly & Lindy are small. We do without some of life's luxuries, but we couldn't be happier. We are teaching our children to love the Lord as we do and that is no sacrifice at all.
I am thankful:
1. That spring is around the corner. Grass is finding it's color and trees are beginning to show life. Flowers are blooming and birds are singing.
2. That I can begin hanging our laundry outside to dry. I love the fresh clean smell.
3. That my kids love being outside. We all need some sunshine.
4. That Molly & Lindy make every day new and exciting for us. They bring so much love and laughter to our home.
5. for recycling. Yes, I am. That we do our part so that our future grandchildren & great grandkids will have a cleaner Earth. It is my hope that everyone finds a way to recycle something.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Surprise Delivery

We have been trying to get our back yard cleared up because of a special delivery that I knew was coming. We had the broken down carport (from the ice storm) cleaned up and the old shed cleaned out. But today was the day. So David got to bed early today so we could work on it before the surprise came.
My parents came around 4:00 and we started in on the rumpled shed. It was a job, but soon it was history. We also cut down a tree that grew next to the shed. It wasn't too big, but made some work!! I know one thing I am going to be very sore in the morning!! I will be the first to admit that I have become soft since I quit my full time warehouse job. I feel like a truck has ran over me! I know-- WHIMPIE!
Anyway, back to the story. A few months ago my sister Donna & BIL Jeff asked if they could give the girls their trampoline and swing set. I said sure (like I'd say no??)! They wanted to bring the trampoline and clubhouse part of the swing set today.
I hadn't told the girls about the gifts from Aunt Donna & Uncle Jeff. And when they arrived they still didn't have a clue. The trampoline was in pieces and the club house on it's side. But soon they were jumping for joy and trying to help put the trampoline together! They abandoned their bikes for the new play toys. The clubhouse is big and very heavy! Jeff made it himself from a kit when Jaise was small ( he is almost 19 now). The slide it awesome! The swing part of the deal will have to come on another day. It wouldn't fit on the trailer this time.

Ta Da! Lindy was already trying to do flips!

Molly was bouncing like a rag doll!!

Can you tell how much Lindy likes it?

Who said the "big kids" don't want it any more? Here is Daniel and Colin up on it too. Oh, and Uncle Jeff had to show us his back flip too! You think they'll want it back?

Check out this clubhouse. Cool, but we think we are going to officially call it a "doll house" from now on.

Here is Molly & Lindy with Aunt Donna & Uncle Jeff.

Mamaw & Papaw with two dirty girls. (I guess I forgot how trampolines make everything black)
I plan to order a new guard net and a spring cover for the trampoline. And the club house needs a new roof and some paint or stain. We are very proud of it already. The girls old swing is about to break in the middle. It's worn out. So this a wonderful gift for them to enjoy this summer.
We enjoyed a simple supper of homemade potato soup, hot dogs & angel food cake outside this evening. It was a beautiful day.

Monday, March 16, 2009

In My Spare Time

I enjoy making quilt tops in my spare time. Here is a red pinwheel style that I made from left over fabrics from another quilt.

I joined a yahoo group of ladies who like to quilt. We had a house block exchange. Here is my finished top with the houses I swapped with. 5 of them are mine, the others I have swapped for.

This one is just strips I joined together.

And this I call my Bulls eye. This one is finished. My mom hand quilted it and it turned out beautifully. She did a great job.

Here is a close up of her amazing work. (I cannot hand quilt)

Most of these quilts are for sale. Or if you'd like one special made for you, just ask. I really enjoy doing them.
I am planning to start on the quilts I am making for my girls next week. I have been collecting fabric from family & friends to make them each a 100 good wishes quilt. They are very excited as they get to "help" me. (this should be interesting). We are going to have a lot of fun. They like to watch me when I sew. And they are my greatest fans! (they think everything i make is "beautiful") I'm so lucky to have such loving kids.

A Visit

The girls and I went with my mom recently to visit my Aunt Eddie (moms sister). She still lives in my moms hometown of Norris City. We had a good visit. We ate lunch and the girls tried to wreck her house. But they were still pretty good I guess. :) While we were there her daughter came to visit on her lunch hour. I don't get to see my cousin Linda much. It was good talking with her.

Here are the sisters. Can't ya tell? Eddie is the oldest sister and mom the youngest of the bunch.

She thinks a lot of the girls. She thinks they are "sweet".

As a child I always called her "Eddie" because "Aunt Eddie" was too hard to say. I still get tongue tied when saying it. She has never liked her name and still questions why my granny named her that. Come to find out Granny's dads was name was Edward. But that didn't matter to my Aunt!
We always remember each others birthdays too. I was born on April 13Th, the year she turned 30 on May 13.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Luke 6:21
Blessed are you who are now hungry,
for now you are satisfied.
When you forgive your enemy
When you feed the hungry
When you defend the weak
You believe in the resurrection.
When you have the courage to marry
When you welcome the newly born child
When yo build your home
You believe in the resurrection.
When you wake at peace in the morning
When you sing to the rising sun
When you go to work with joy
You believe in the resurrection.
Carlo Carretto
Today I'm thankful for:
1. My family. Without them I'd be empty. My heart is full of love and joy.
2. For our health, whether it be good or bad. We are among the living and I see that as a blessing. Twice in one week we have went to a funeral. Two co workers have lost their wives this week to cancer. May the Lord bless these families with loving memories and bring them peace.
3. For our home. So many do not have one or are being forced to give up their home. I pray for the homeless, especially in cold weather.
4. For orphanages & foster homes all over the world. And the caregivers who take care of the unwanted children.
5. And for the city park. A place for people can relax and kids can play freely.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fried Chicken--Legs

These girls are going to eat us out of house and home!! I honestly don't know where they put all the food they eat. The teacher says they eat like they are starving at school (I feed them breakfast) and they always eat a good lunch too.
Today after lunch we went to the park. The wind was blowing but it was in the 70's. The girls played all over but the slide was the favorite today. I took a book, found a park bench near the play area and let them run like little wild women! They had a ball sitting & sifting through the rocks. I bet they did that for 45 minutes!! And dissecting acorns was another fascination today.
I had fried chicken legs before we went today. Lindy is watching me take them from the pan.... "what you cookin mom?" .... "fried chicken legs" ...... "yeah, that's my favorite". (I wish I could add her little voice with it's accent, so cute)

So for supper we had her favorite! Actually she ate two! Along with mashed potatoes, green beans and corn.
They both cleaned their plates! I'm telling you they have hollow legs or something! I guess all that play makes a girl hungry. (and they were fast asleep by 7:45)

Monday, March 9, 2009

So Far This Week

I accomplished two things with this arrangement I put together of some photos of Lindy. I had to use the Corel program to learn how to print words on photos for my night class I'm taking at the college. I figured it out as you can see. The only problem is I got a date wrong. The top left picture should say 12/18/2007 (not 2005).
While I'm getting this done I see on a Yahoo group I'm in that Jeff from Packages of Hope is traveling to China and going to Lindy's orphanage. He has volunteered to deliver photos of children who have been adopted to the director. So I emailed this page to him and he is taking with him next week. I'm so thankful to Jeff and excited for them to see how Lindy has grown and thriving in our care.
Jeff is the director of (click here for info) Packages Of Hope. They provide help to a handful of orphanages in China through donations from all over the states. The Bengbu orphanage has received playground equipment, food, party supplies, toys and countless other items because of this organization. Our hats are off to Jeff and his staff here and in China.
Our week is going great. Last Sunday the girls went to another birthday party for a classmate at the skating rink. The girls are getting good at skating. They don't require much help. Of course we tighten up the wheels so they only roll some, but I can already see progress in their skating abilities. They were very excited that there was a pinata to hit too.
The time change has been rough on us too. The girls do not want to get out of bed in the morning. The weather is also getting nice and they are enjoying some time outdoors. They went for a bike ride on Sunday. David said they rode many blocks around town. The girls are also using the see saw they got for their birthday a lot. I took them to the park Sunday evening. The girls ran all over the place.

This week at school they are learning about dinosaurs. Molly is a bit frustrated because she can't pronounce the names too well. But she is very interested in them. Lindy pretends to be one. She gets down on her hand & knees and crawls around. I even saw her pretending to eat or drink like a dinosaur (it sounded like a dog drinking water from a bowl). I laughed at that one.

Last week our friends Rhonda & her daughter Kristy came by. Kristy gave the girls her keyboard (she didn't want it any more). It's really nice. We've been plunking on it this week too. I hope at least one of them wants to play. Thanks a bunch Kristy.
Lindy has shown interest in dressing herself more lately. One day she wore her turtleneck shirt backwards to school. I didn't notice it until bath time!! The thing is I helped her with it that morning and didn't catch it!! (oh my) Then when she was home with her dad she dressed herself. When I came home she had wore her jeans backwards all day. They had went all over town on bikes and no telling who saw this!! David argues that the pants had the cute little pockets that should go in the front (Lindy had put them in the back) so it wasn't his fault!! Tonight at bath time she was working on getting her shirt off. You should have seen it! She had her arms through the neck hole! We will get there with more practice.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thankful Thursday-Remembering Hayden

Hayden Lloyd Scott
March 5th, 2008. A blessing came from God this day. Bright eyed and beautiful, our great nephew was born. We was welcomed by his big sister, Hallie, his Mommy & Daddy and lots of family.

Life settled into a routine for Hayden and his family. Hayden was making the normal strides and growing like a trooper.

Jump to June 5, 2008. Hayden is 92 days old now and he and Hallie are at the sitters while Mommy & Daddy are working. It's a normal morning and it's time for Hayden's morning nap. He went to sleep forever, the Lord took him home that day. For reasons we may never know Hayden was meant to be a true angel. We miss him terribly and wonder each and everyday what he would be doing if he were still on Earth. Now with his angel wings he watches over us from Heaven. We miss you terribly little man.
Happy Birthday
God's Child On Loan
"I'll lend to you for a little time,
A child of mine," God said,
"For you to love while she lives
And mourn for when she's dead."

"It may be six or seven years
Or twenty-two or three,
But will you till I call her back,
Take care of her for me?"

"She'll bring her charms to gladden you
And should her stay be brief,
You'll have these precious memories
To comfort you through grief."

"I cannot promise she will stay
Since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught down there
I want this child to learn."

"I've looked this world over,
In my search for teachers true.
In the crowds of this great land,
I have selected you."

"Now will you give her all your love
Not think the labor vain,
Nor hate me when I come to call
To take her back again?"

It seems to me I heard them say,
"Dear Lord, thy will be done.
For all the joys a child shall bring,
The risk of grief we'll run."

"We'll shelter her with tenderness,
We'll love her while we may,
And for the happiness we've known
Forever grateful stay."

"And should the angels call for her
Much sooner than we've planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try to understand."

© Edgar A. Guest

Friends and family are gathering this evening at Hayden's finial resting place for a celebration to honor what would have been his first birthday. It will be a happy day and a sad one all in one as we all remember this beautiful boy.
We love you Hayden!
Once again it is Thankful Thursday. This week my heart is heavy with sadness today, but I am still thankful for....
1. the 92 days that Hayden was with us. He brought so much life to his parents, grandparents and big sister. Babies make everyone smile!
2. getting to hold Hayden only a few days before his death. He was such a handsome boy with big cheeks. He reminded me so much of his sister and his Aunt Erin.
3. I am thankful that the Lord is with us and brings comfort in many ways to those who still grieve.
4. the pictures we have of Hayden. I pray they will help Hallie remember her brother as she grows up.
5. cemeteries, grave markers and memorials of loved ones. These things make the surviving feel closer to our departed. Hayden has a beautiful resting place.
Lord, I pray that you will be with all who gather today. Bring sunshine to our sadness. And Lord, bake Hayden a cake please, like I would have done.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend In Indy

We have went to Indianapolis almost every year since we were married to go to the Supercross (motorcycle) races. I always look forward to it because about this time of year I get the "winter blues" and this year is no exception. The girls have been so excited and asking when it was time to go to the hotel for weeks. They knew they were going to get to swim!

The races are always at the Colts Stadium. This year would be the first year in the new stadium. We always get a hotel within walking distance and close to the mall too. That way Dave can go watch the practice races and I can shop!

This year my sister and her family decided to come too. They were excited as well. First of all, they hadn't ever been to the races and they are BIG Colts fans. They were just as excited to see the Stadium.

We drove up on Friday. We arrived at the Omni Hotel around 4. Checked out our rooms and then hit the Mall. The 3 boys took off on their own while the rest of us cruised around, mostly looking! We checked out the Colts Store (my sis was in Heaven). The girls couldn't wait to go swimming. So to the pool we went. I have to say this was my least favorite thing to do, but I'll do anything to make my kids happy. After that we walked over to eat at Hooters. (the boys wanted to eat there)

On Saturday us girls hit the shops. Of course we mostly looked around. Donna (my sis) bought the girls a new outfit each for summer. Thank you Aunt Donna. We grabbed a pretzel and cookies before going to the pool again! The guys went to watch some practice races and came back to get a sandwich. The girls and I stayed back at the Hotel while everyone else went to the races. We had a great view from our room and the girls watched the fireworks from the opening ceremonies. It was pretty cool. We also had a good view of the ice skating rink as well. Everyone reported that the races were good.

We had a great time. It was nice having my sister and her family along this year. We always have a good time. I'm ready for next year already!

Colin (12), Daniel (16), Jaise (18), Lindy & Molly (4)

The boys with some Hooters Girls!

Lindy applying lip gloss at the Bath & Body Works store.

Molly at the pool.

The girls colored while everyone was at the races.

Tuckered out!

View from our room. The Lucas Oil Stadium is on the left of the photo. The pile of rubble in the middle is what is left of the RCA Dome. And the skating rink is the building with the white roof.

On Sunday morning when we were leaving Colin was able to get a photo with his favorite racer!! James Stewart was staying in our hotel too!! Colin was so very excited about this. We knew there were racers in our hotel but we didn't know who. James got second last night but is tied for the lead in points!!

(scroll down to pause the music)

This is Molly in the pool. She is cautious when it comes to swimming.

This is daredevil Lindy. She is not afraid of the water at all. It will take her no time to learn to swim.