A Disciple's Prayer
Loving God and Father,
help us to be people of prayer,
committed to the person and message of Jesus your Son.
Help us to grasp the integrity and beauty
of the truths of our faith and
the transforming power of our grace.
Nourish and strenghten us as people of faith,
disciples of Jesus, committed to the mission of the Church
and eager to share the gospel without restraint.
Let our hearts burn within us
as we catch glimpses of your heart in Jesus,
for through Him, we know your loving plan for us.
We ask this through Jesus the Christ
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit
in one loving Trinity. Amen.
This prayer card was given out at Church this past week. I though it fit well with Lent which began yesterday. What does Lent mean to you?
Today I am thankful for....
1. prayers being answered for my children's good health. May each year bring great results and nice surprises.
2. my "bloggy" friends who inspire me in many ways.
3. cameras. So when my memories start to fade, I can look at them in pictures.
4. restaurants. When I can't cook or don't feel like it.
5. lower gas prices. Now I can get our a visit with friends and family more often.
What are you thankful for?
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